Who is an expert? 

 Continuing this theme of the excellence FIELD.

 In this newsletter, I look at the E of field.

 We've covered doing things First, and intensity of work .

 Today we're going to look at experts. It took me many years of my life to not only acknowledge the experts around me, and to value them. My immature ego got in the way for many years of being able to acknowledge that there were actually people around me who knew more about a particular topic and could actually assist me in a whole variety of ways.


These experts today are called mentors or coaches. And it's become almost fashionable or trendy to talk about “my coach” and less so about mentors. Generally, the world has moved to a place of accepting help. Around two years ago, I interviewed Gil Petersil on the Business Excellence Podcast, and Gil spoke about that you could have mentors for even one day. Attending a one day program with a mentor and taking away information enlightenment, inspiration, and something that will change your life from that day, whilst never having contact potentially with that mentor again. This is still an incredibly valuable lesson and an incredibly valuable part of our development as human beings entrepreneurs and leaders in the world.

There was a famous definition years ago, whose origins I cannot find, that said an expert is someone who doesn't necessarily know all the answers, but knows where to go and find someone who does know the answers.

 In the mortgage business, in my mortgage business for many years I've attempted to train my staff to be comfortable with saying to clients, I'm not really sure of the answer to your question. I think I know the answer. But let me check and I will come back to you by a time – say 12 o'clock tomorrow. You are stating to the client is that although you may not definitely know the answer, you know where to definitively find an answer for that. The idea of having experts around us has become more prevalent ( but there is a content warning here.)

Every second person I meet is now calling themselves a coach. And we all have the knowledge that the best player on the field does not always make the best coach. And so, unfortunately, my  somewhat cynical approach sometimes says “why is that person a coach? “. More importantly “why are people paying them money when they've never actually achieved success“

It's only very recently that I've come to understand and really embrace the concept that the most successful coach is not always the top player the most successful coach may be the person actually understands the way the players are positioned on the field and has a helicopter view as a leader of how that should be managed.

I have become slightly less skeptical and cynical about every person I meet who puts themselves out as a coach. I don't necessarily think all of them do a good job. But I do think that there are some out there who are doing amazing jobs of being a sounding board being a  strategic partner for many people.

I however, prefer the idea of a mentor as opposed to a coach. If we break it down, the coach is one working out plays and to some extent, telling the players how to maneuver and how to walk and how to move on the field and how to play and how to position themselves. Whereas a mentor and I have a number in my life is really there to provide general direction to answer questions and to provide a sounding board without giving definitive direction unless specifically asked for it.

So in conclusion, remember that the E is the middle letter of the excellence FIELD is a critical component to creating your field of excellence. Whilst you're on the journey to excellence and it's your choice whether you want a controlling directing coach, or you want a mentor to help and guide but everybody needs and EXPERT in their lives to help them on the journey to excellence.

From being 6000ft underground in a mine, to starting an education business (that grew to have 4000 plus students) to spending years working in venture capital, I have has seen it all. I have listed companies on multiple international stock exchanges, and my financial services group has settled more than $3bn in loans over 20 years. I have a diverse work history combined with unique global research interviews with companies in more than 25 countries. Taking this knowledge and experience makes me perfect to work with leaders and managers on growing and achieving excellence, as I have experienced the rollercoaster myself, and know how to navigate the twists, turns and loops.

If you need me to have academic qualifications, I hold two Masters degrees; an MBA and MSc (Engineering) and am currently a Fellow of the MFAA (Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia), a Certified Speaking Professional  (CSP)  (Professional Speakers Australia) and a Member of AICD (Australian Institute of Company Directors).

My most important qualification is from the school of hard knocks and my most important skill is being able to listen to your needs and design a solution to help you.

In 2018 I published “Dive In – Lessons learnt since business school”

To find out how I can help you on your journey to excellence, book a free chat here https://calendly.com/rael-bricker/zoom


I did something!


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